Join APGAI Ireland : Requirements

How to become an instructor with APGAI Ireland

The following criteria applies to instructor membership within APGAI Ireland.

Membership of the association is open to practicing game angling instructors who can provide verification of a minimum 5 years experience in the discipline for which they wish to be tested, and pass a test to satisfy the Management Committee as to their competence. Applicants must be 18 years or over.

Method of Application

The applicant must write to the Training Officer (Email:, to request a copy of the application form.

A copy of the appropriate syllabus can be downloaded from the links within our Syllabus Page. The candidate must complete an application form giving details of his intention, his experience and other qualifications as a game angler and some evidence of his qualifications to teach. He/she should then return the form to the Training Officer.

Having completed the period of study and practice as recommended in the Syllabus, and on the recommendation of their Mentor, the candidate should then present themselves for Assessment with senior APGAI Ireland Instructors. (Fees must be paid in advance of the candidates assessment).

All certificates, badges and logos awarded to members of the association shall remain the property of the association and must be returned to the association when a person ceases to be a member of the association.

Note that all applicants for membership must hold a current certificate of character. A police certificate of character can be obtained from either a Garda Siochana (Republic of Ireland) or Police Service of Northern Ireland (Northern Ireland).