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Book List


The following list, which is not in any particular order, will help you broaden your perspective.  It is not possible to emphasise any particular one.  Availability alone may be a substantial limitation as some titles are only available second-hand.  You should focus on those that appeal most to you and appear most helpful. Those in bold type are classified as Instructional and those in plain type as Reference. Instructional books marked with an asterisk are regarded as particularly helpful. You may bring some Reference books with you into the examination (for pattern guidance).








Tying Flies in the Irish Style *

E.J. Malone

Smith Settle

Flytying for Beginners*

Peter Gathercole

Aurum Press Ltd.

Beginners Guide to Flytying*

Mann & Griffiths

Merlin Unwin Books

Flytying Techniques *

Jacqueline Wakeford


An Introduction to Flytying

Pat O’Reilly & Derek Hoskin


The Fly-tying Bible

Peter Gathercole

Aurum Press Ltd.

Fly Tying Methods

Darrel Martin

David & Charles

Tying Dry Flies

Randall Kaufuann

Western Fisherman’s Press

Fly Dressing I

Dave Collier

David & Charles

Fly Dressing II

Dave Collier

David & Charles

Further Guide to Fly Dressing

John Veniard

A & C Black

How to Dress Salmon Flies

T.E. Pryce-Tennatt


Salmon Flies

Poul Jorgensen

Stockpole Books

The Art of the Atlantic Salmon Fly

J.D. Bates

Swan Hill

Tying Flies with CDC

Leon Links

Merlin Unwin Books

Fly Tying Made Clear and Simple

Skip Morris

Frank Amato Publications

The Art of tying the Dry Fly

Skip Morris

Frank Amato Publications

The Art of tying the Nymph

Skip Morris

Frank Amato Publications




A Man May Fish

T.C. Kingsmill-Moore

Colin Smythe

Waterside Guide

John Goddard

Merlin Unwin Books

The Flytiers Companion

Mick Dawes

Swan Hill

Tube Flies

Mark Mandell and Les Johnson

Frank Amato Publications

Shrimp and Spey Flies

Mann and Gillespie

Merlin Unwin Books

A Dictionary of Trout Flies

John Roberts


Hairwing and tube flies for Salmon

Chris Mann

Merlin Unwin Books

Saltwater Flies

Deke Meyer

Frank Amato Publications

Flies of Ireland

Peter O’Reilly

Merlin Unwin Books

Irish Trout & Salmon Flies

E.J. Malone

Colin Smythe

Fly Fishing in Ireland

Peter O’Reilly

Merlin Unwin Books

An Anglers Entomology

J.R. Harris


The World’s Best Trout Flies

John Roberts


Matching The Hatch

Pat O’Reilly

Quiller Publishing Ltd

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